We are seeking donations to support young scholars to attend Living Freedom Summer School 2024.

The cost of providing a place at the summer school is £500. To ensure that we can select attendees on merit, irrespective of their financial circumstances, each attendee will pay just £50, a massive reduction of £450.
Therefore, we are seeking donations of £450 (or £360 if you can gift-aid your donation) to cover the cost of a single scholarship.
Every generation faces the challenge of understanding freedom for its own times and of renewing this core value of modern liberal societies. Living Freedom Summer School is an opportunity to address this challenge by renewing freedom through education and debate. Scholars also benefit from ongoing quarterly online events for all alumni.
By supporting a Living Freedom scholar, you will play a vital part in encouraging a generational renewal of the values of freedom and free speech.
We would welcome your support for one or more scholars. We will be very happy to credit donors should that be desirable.
If you would like to support more than two scholars, use the ‘Custom Amount’ field and fill in the appropriate amount, or contact Alastair Donald at info@livingfreedom.org.uk.
Living Freedom Scholarship
Fund one scholarship to Living Freedom Summer School: £450
Fund two scholarships to Living Freedom Summer School: £900
Gift Aided Living Freedom Scholarship
Fund one scholarship to Living Freedom Summer School: £360
Fund two scholarships to Living Freedom Summer School: £720
If you have any questions, then please email info@livingfreedom.org.uk