What can we learn from…? Oriel College, Oxford, May 2023

Harris Lecture Theatre, Oriel College Oriel Square, Oxford, United Kingdom

WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM...? John Milton/Liberty and John Locke/Toleration Speakers: Andrew Doyle and Dr Tiffany Jenkins The rise of cancel culture has made many nervous about free expression and open debate, even though academic freedom is a core value – and legal duty of universities. Many students – and even academics – report they

What can we learn from… Martin Luther?

Stephenson College, University of Durham Howlands Farm, South Rd, Durham, United Kingdom

FREEDOM THEN AND NOW: WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM…? MARTIN LUTHER: FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE Living in accordance with our deeply held moral beliefs throws up tricky dilemmas. Should health professionals be forced to assist with abortion provision or with assisted-suicide services that go against their religious principles? Should lawyers concerned about climate change be able


What can we learn from… Hannah Arendt?

Vinson Auditorium Vinson Centre, 21 Hunter Street, Buckingham, United Kingdom

The event is free but please register via Ticket Tailor. Hannah Arendt and Totalitarianism Whether prompted by concerns over draconian lockdowns, new authoritarian political leaders, policing of speech or outlawing demonstrations, there’s been a revival of interest in Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism. And today, in the wake of seemingly resurgent anti-Semitism in Europe,

What can we learn from… Hannah Arendt?

Harris Lecture Theatre, Oriel College Oriel Square, Oxford, United Kingdom

THIS EVENT IS FREE OF CHARGE BUT PLEASE REGISTER VIA EVENTBRITE. Living Freedom ‘University Salons’ are for all students keen to explore and debate ideas on the past, present and future of freedom. Our ‘What can we learn from…?’ events explore important thinkers and the emergence of key ideas. A short, accessible talk is followed by plenty of


Utopia and freedom

Bateman Lecture Theatre, University of Exeter Building One, Rennes Drive, Exeter, United Kingdom

Alastair Donald introduces a discussion on why utopias are doomed to fail - and why we might need a revival of utopian thinking today.


Religious freedom: toleration or discrimination?

Violet Laidlaw Room, School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh

Dolan Cummings introduces a discussion of the past and present of religious freedom.